We Cover All the Details
For small business and organization start-ups, the typical web development cycle can involve logo design, domain registration, website design, website implementation and selection of a web hosting provider. This process can be overwhelming and time-consuming for the uninitiated. So, rather than forcing you to work with multiple vendors, WenderHost handles all of the details involved in taking your idea from concept to a finished website.
Complete Content Management
WenderHost designs and builds complete content management systems (CMS) built upon the WordPress personal publishing platform. This means that once your new website is “live,” you’ll have the power to login and edit the pages of your website via an intuitive and user-friendly interface. If you can use a word processor, you can use WordPress
Quality and Reliability
All WenderHost websites are hosted Rackspace Cloud Sites. Rackspace is the world’s number-one managed hosting provider. In addition to WenderHost, Rackspace hosts sites for large companies like Microsoft and Lowes. Rackspace’s managed server expertise means that your site will be online, and if there should ever be a server-side problem with your site, our staff is able to quickly talk to experts that can get our problems solved.